Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Red Bull for the Soul!

I had the unbelievable privilege to attend Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within (UPW) Seminar this weekend. Holy crap you mean to tell me Sam Oropeza listens to Tony Robbins? Yes I am a big Tony Robbins fan for those of you who don't know who Tony Robbins, yes he is banana hands from Shallow Hal. Really his list of accomplishments are much bigger than that movie.

People tell me often that I am very motivated and I have tons on energy and I am always asked what do I do and the answer is simple Crystal Meth! Haha Thats a joke please don't do crystal meth it has many bad side affects just ask Courtney Love! Seriously their are many things that go into how I keep my energy levels high such as balance and healthy diet, exercise and training, solid sleep pattern, and my mental state. Wait a second Sam you forgot the number on reason why you have a high level of energy and that's because your 25 years old! I am sorry I call it how I see it and that is a giant slice of bologna. Growing old is not a death sentence if it done correctly can be an amazing experience so I am told. I am not denying the fact that your body will see a shift when you grow older yes you will slow down, but your energy levels don't have to! I will use my Mom as great example she is 57 years young in great health, looks great, exercises and walks everyday, and has never slowed down since I can remember! Yes that's right my Mom is awesome and I am very proud of her and if anyone has a yo mama joke I will let her kick your ass because she can!!!Then you have one of the most inspirational people I have ever heard of Sister Madonna Buder aka The Iron Nun who is 80 and still competes in Iron Man Triathlons. For those of you who don't know what an Iron Man consists of its a 2.4 mile swim 112 mile bike ride and then you run a marathon!!! She does this and she is 80 and finishes under the 17 hour mark. Yeah Randy Couture eat your heart Sister Madonna is my hero! I guess I am tired of hearing everyone tell me how terrible it is to grow old I mean think of that guy who reminds you everyday just wait until you get older you won't be able to do that anymore and then they tell you there list of accomplishments. Lets do a an exercise right now everyone think of that person you work with who gives you that daily reminder that you won't be able to do what you do much longer. Now what is that persons diet like? Do they drink and smoke on a regular basis? How often do they exercise? Are they easily agitated? I guess my next question do you think all the years of eating poorly, alcohol, nicotine, and no healthy movement would make you feel like crap? One time before a training session I had this awesome idea to eat hot wings and I had to stop half way through the workout not because I was gonna puke but because I felt awful. I am not bashing the baby boomers I think you guys are awesome, but I am bashing the limiting belief that I won't have any energy when I get older. I also understand that people develop injuries and have situations they can't control and I would never knock someone in a unfortunate circumstance. To the 50+ crowd out there working hard and living healthy you are a huge inspiration and I thank you!

COOL MOSS COOL MOSS COOL MOSS! Yeah I am a firewalker now,  it's boring but it's my life. One of the most empowering moments of my life to date was walking over 1500 degree burning cinders Thursday night. There are so many things in our life that we want to change and to improve. Somewhere in our journey we just decide that our dreams and goals are just too far out of reach and we just settle. I have never meet who would not like to improve or change an area of their life. How many of us come up with great ideas or want to pursue a career we know will make us happy but we never take action or procrastinate? We all have a limiting belief i.e. I am not smart enough, I don't have enough money, I am too old etc... that is such crap and holding us back. Well when you are standing on 1500 degree burning coals you can't think that your not strong enough or smart enough and your not thinking about procrastinating you know your goal is to get to the other side and nothing will stand in your way! I urge everyone reading to take the first step today and never look back put your focus on the future and design your life!

So all your telling me is eat healthy, exercise, smile, think positive, and don't procrastinate and I will be successful thanks Sam your so smart! Ha if that's all you had to do I probably would be living in Laguana Beach drinking a soy latte with LC and Heidi. I am saying there are two formulas in this world success and failure and they are very similar. A great game plan and strategy always helps, but every time you fail you must change your approach. I think it took Thomas Edison a billion tries before me made the light bulb and Walt Disney got turned down by over 300 banks before he got the loan to start Disney World. Do think after each failure Walt and Tommy went home got on facebook and change their status to grrrr... FML!? No they knew their outcome and changed their approach until they got exactly what it is they wanted.

We are always one moment away from completely changing our lives forever. Please don't let your ego or limiting beliefs stop you from living a fulfilling life. Take the first step and put your focus on the future you want to create. Problems will come, but focus your energy on the solution. Set a new standard for your quality and life and commit yourself today to fulfilling that dream and I promise life will never be the same!




1 comment:

  1. Amen to that Sam!!! Tony Robbins told me, There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits and imagining the impossible!!!....So STAND UP and maybe eat some avaCADAS while you're at it
